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Department of Film Studies


Research Profile

Research at the Department of Film Studies encompasses a broad range of themes pertaining to film and its contexts of reception. Aesthetical, historical, and theoretical issues are explored from a liberal arts/cultural studies perspective. Individual and collaborative research projects fall into three general areas, which inevitably overlap:

Film history (including historiography) and film theory (including the history of theory):

  • basic research in film history, film theory, and conceptual history
  • the historiography of film and the history of discourses on film 
  • the history of film exhibition and reception in a variety of contexts

Aesthetics and technologies

  • visual, narrative, and pragmatic aspects of film and its reception, from cinema to recent media platforms
  • film in the context of other arts, popular media, and gender discourses
  • genres of fiction, documentary, experimental, and non-theatrical film

National heritage and transnational circulation

  • cinematic heritage, especially in Switzerland
  • material, technical, and economic aspects of film, cinema, and recent mobile contexts of reception
  • problems of film digitization, presentation, and archiving

Thematic priorities are set through the launch of or participation in larger research projects. At present, key research areas are:

Weiterführende Informationen

For more on the general research approaches of the Department of Film Studies…

see the German-language article:
Jörg Schweinitz, Margrit Tröhler: Filmwissenschaft – eine Disziplinin Kontiniutät und fortgesetztem Wandel. In: Augenblick. Marburger Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, Heft 52 (Positionen und Perspektiven der Filmwissenschaft), 2012, S. 14–21.
